Rose Hill 9-11 Memorial

106 S. Main Street

Rose Hill, Kansas 67133

Fund Raising

The committee is currently raising funds to construct the 9-11 memorial. There are a few different ways you can contribute to the memorial. Donations are tax deducible.

Cash Donation
Cash donations are always accepted. If you would like to donate using a debit or credit card via PayPal, click the Donate button at the top right of any page. You do not need a PayPal account to donate.

Engraved Brick
Purchase a 4-inch by 8-inch brick and have up to three lines of text and a clipart image engraved into the brick. The brick will be a permanent part of the memorial.

Disclaimer – At the discretion of the memorial committee, bricks which include “hate speech” motivated by different races, religions, ethnicities, nationalities, gender or sexual orientation , language defaming America or the American Flag, abusive or vulgar language, accusations or personal attacks on individual groups or individuals, or language that does not comply with the mission statement of this committee, will not be approved or accepted.



Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$100,000Raised $49,570 towards the $100,000 target.$49,570Raised $49,570 towards the $100,000 target.50%
So far we have raised $49,570 towards our $100,000 target! That‘s 50% of the total!